PRIVACY OPTIONS Please respond with your choice for a Privacy Policy on your website Your Name* Your Company*OPTION 1: AUTO UPDATING PRIVACY POLICYNOTE: We are not lawyers, we do not provide Privacy Policies as a service, and we are not responsible for your business complying with any applicable privacy laws. We have a relationship with a third-party Privacy Policy generator service called Termageddon and we will assist you with setting up and linking those policies to your website. You are under no obligation to utilize Termageddon, but it is the service that we use on our own website and recommend. Please note, should you choose to use Termageddon's services, your relationship in regard to your policies will be directly with them, governed solely by their Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.OPTON 2: YOUR OWN PRIVACY POLICYI will provide Doylestown Web Design with website policies and understand it's my sole responsibility to update the policies when the laws change and will notify you when I have an updated Privacy Policy that needs to be put on my website. I also agree to pay a $150 implementation fee to incorporate the policies onto my website.OPTION 3: NO PRIVACY POLICYI am choosing not to have any policies on my website. I understand that by not having a comprehensive Privacy Policy on my website, that I may be non-compliant with multiple privacy laws. I acknowledge that Doylestown Web Design informed me that applicable (state, national, or international) law may require my website to have a Privacy Policy with specific disclosures. PRIVACY POLICY CHOICE*OPTION 1 - Auto Updating Privacy Policy ($250 installation plus $99 yearly)OPTION 2 - Your Own Privacy Policy ($150 installation)OPTION 3 - No Privacy PolicyFATHOM ANALYTICSAs mentioned in our correspondence with you, we can install Fathom Analytics on your website at a deeply discounted rate off of retail. Fathom will provide you with a valuable tool to measure the effectiveness of and traffic to your website. There is no installation fee and the annual cost is $75. Fathom Analytics Choice*Yes, please install on my website ($75 yearly)No, please do not install on my website Questions/Comments reCAPTCHASubmitReset